Crypto-related job offers in India increased by more than 800%

Understandably, as the industry certainly grows, so do job-related jobs. It is therefore no surprise that crypto-related job offers are also constantly growing. The global job portal Indeed conducted a survey from April 2020 to April 2022, revealing that job offers related to cryptocurrencies in India increased by a record 804%. The sudden increase was allegedly caused by the need to automate technology for everyday use during almost two years of quarantine, and so the demand for technical experts, including blockchain technology, has increased.

Other data reveal to us that cryptocurrencies also played an equally important role in all recruitment in the technology sector, given that they increased 41.22% of the total supply in 2019-2020 to 67.48% in 2021-2022. According to him, Sashi Kumar, head of sales for Indeed India, is not at all surprised by this finding, as he believes that India will come to the forefront of this new digital era thanks to large investments in new technologies in the technology industry.
