2All of us know that blockchain technology is incredibly powerful, it offers huge benefits, we can trade it and make good money and lots of other things. The problem is that this technology has not come to everyone yet. There are several reasons why. For many of us, the Waves platform is the answer.

Waves is a decentralized, financially-traded platform that was developed by Sasha Ivanov on June 7, 2016. The platform is built on its own block of application with Custom Application Tokens (CAT), allow for a wide range of uses. They enable decentralized crowdfunding as well as transferring, trading and storing of fiat and digital currencies. A decentralized, manipulation-free voting system will allow projects built on top of the platform to communicate and make decisions hand in hand with their community.

Waves also offers own stock exchange that allows users to trade with all tokens.

Waves is a decentralized

Waves also offers own stock exchange that allows users to trade with all tokens.

Wallet with multiple currencies

Users can use and hold physical currencies such as dollar, euro and Chinese yuan, as well as Bitcoin. Thanks to the integrated FIAT ,, gateways “, you can choose the money directly to your bank account.

Waves plans to build a reputation system in the future, which will give reputation score to accounts based on their network activity and other parameters. The Waves Platform is running its own blockchain based on a Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm. The blocktime is 1 minute and each block has a capacity of 100 transactions. This platform also cooperates with giants like the Google Chrome store or GitHub.

Waves’ supply is fixed at 100 million WAVES. No more than that are ever going to be issued. This nubmer is a final. The Waves Platform, as opposed to other projects in the Crypt Sphere, is aimed at both advanced users and newcomers, so involvement of the mass public is very important.  Remuneration for investors who hold it, comes exclusively from transaction fees and that is why, it´s necessary for the Waves platform to connect as many businesses and users as possible. The potential of this platform is really huge. We believe that we’ve helped you to focused into Waves platform. We wish you a successful investment!

Zdroj: https://wavesplatform.com/