Hedge funds in combination with cryptocurrencies await a great future

We have another day here and, of course, some positive news about cryptocurrencies. The corporation and the Intertrust Group, based in the Netherlands, specifically in Amsterdam and founded in 1952, created a survey involving up to 100 CFOs of hedge funds from around the world. This is a very unprecedented survey, which even before it began, indicated to us that we would learn information that we would not otherwise have known, and that is exactly what happened.

If the chart above doesn’t tell you anything, don’t worry – we’ll fix it right away. The specific question was “how many % of the hedge fund plans to invest in cryptocurrencies in the coming years. We can see from the graph that 3 CFOs answered “more than 20%”, 14 of them answered “between 11% and 20%” but the most common answers were “6% to 10%” which was said by up to 35 CFOs and subsequently 33 of them answered “3% to 5%”. These are very surprising results, which clearly say that hedge funds will go hand in hand with cryptocurrencies in the coming years. Again, this is great news for the entire crypto industry, but it’s exactly one of those reports that won’t make any extra hype, as most people don’t understand. By 2026, however, on average, hedge funds should invest around 7.2% annually in cryptocurrencies. 
